Review child-friendly activities with Kiddcierge and win

Are you looking for child-friendly activities? Well you are in luck Kiddcierge is an online service that helps parents on the lookout for child-friendly activities, places to visit/eat/stay. It’s the friend you ask for advice about a certain venue, “what can I expect? What can I do there? Why should I go there”


I have recently started working with the service in a bid to share more about the city I love; Nelson Mandela Bay. My First review was of Van Stadens resort one of our absolute favourite places to hang out. Honestly it wouldn’t be summer without a couple of trips out there.

Kiddcierge aims to take the guesswork out of finding a place that suites their family, because child-friendly activities might be plentiful but how do you know if it’s worth the trip out there and the entrance fee? (real talk)

“We know, you’re tired. Tired of always looking for something to do with the kids. Tired of not having amazing resources to make it easy. Tired of spending so much time trying to figure it all out. Here at kiddcierge our sole mission is to make parenting a little bit easier on all of us. Because really, isn’t it hard enough? Together we can harness our amazing community of rockstar parents and help each other navigate this crazy ride called parenthood TOGETHER. Let us give you back some of that precious time lost always trying to figure out what to do next. Now go ahead, go take that well deserved nap. You’ve earned it.”

You can help your fellow parents out and possibly even win!

Leave just ONE review on and comment ‘done’ with your username on this post on the competition post on the kiddcierge FB page to go into a draw to win R500 to use at the kiddcierge listed business of your choice! 

Want extra entries? Add more reviews!

Competition closes 15 Dec 2017.

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