Aidan is a picky eater of note and his picky eating ways have made me a food ninja!
I used to be a food assassin, but he was on to me so I have joined the cloak and dagger world of the ninja (ninjas don’t wear cloaks, Eleanor – whatever! It works) any way I am now a food ninja who sneaks vitamins and extra calories into meals with the precision of a synchronized swimmer – my metaphors are all over the place hey.
Anyway I am a food ninja and these seed bars are one of my secret weapons.
They are fairly healthy at 82 cals a pop (mixture makes 12) and have extra iron and protein added. it even has potassium which for some reason Aidan is always low in. (This is what myfitnesspal tells me, I didn’t just look at it and know-my ninja skills haven’t reached full Panda yet)
I told you how I was handling the picky eater problem, HERE. I have a few ninja recipes I hope to share with you all.
Please take note I am both cheap and lazy so my recipes will be quick, easy and can be made with easy find items (I do throw in a gourmet ingredient here and there though because I am hella fancy)
I call these my 5 point seed bars because that is how I remember the recipe (which I came up by myself through trial and error and left over baking supplies)
You will need
- 1 tbsp coconut oil
- 2 tbsp chia seeds
- 3 tbsp sesame seeds
- 4 tbsp chopped peanuts
- 5 tbsp brown sugar
- See the 5 points 🙂
What to do
Melt your coconut oil
Mix your seeds/nuts (I found this ratio works best for me to get a nice texture)
Melt your sugar then add seeds/nuts
Work quickly (it hardens quickly) and flatten mix into a foil lined/greased container
Cut while warm then leave to set
Enjoy 😊