Gimme Naturals Curl Cure Review…the good, the bad, the meh

This past week I tried out Gimme Naturals Curl Cure Food. I was nervous NOT GONNA LIE because I really like the creator of the product, Michelle from Stylish Steppers and wasn’t sure what I’d do if it sucked? I mean she’s the only stylist that has been able to deal with this bush IN YEARS, so if I didn’t like the product (and you guys know I’d be honest in the review regardless) I’d have to find a new stylist and a new friend (because I would legit just avoid her) and I’m too lazy for that…Reminds me of the time my friend Nadine wrote a book and I read it saying please don’t suck please don’t suck…it didn’t suck see here.

Anyway I used it for a wash and go on Monday (the curl cure not the book) and added nothing else for the week…these are my opinions…

I washed my hair and did not do a mask or a conditioner or anything that would give the Curl Cure an unfair advantage…clearly I am a hair scientist/investigator. I just used the L’Oreal Low Shampoo to wash then shingled my hair with the Curl Cure (Shingling is when you have loads of hair so have to put on product in small sections like shingling a roof)

The Good

  • It detangles like a boss! I did not do my usual detangle with a conditioner, I just put the stuff on and combed it through and it was SUPER SLICK and no tears (Yes I am 32 and no tears is still a review category)
  • The consistency is nice and creamy and thick so no drips onto your clothes it kind of “stays put”.
  • There seems to be an oiliness to it, so you don’t have to layer another oil/gel with it (you know how we do)
  • I did not need to add anything extra to my hair for the week, honestly wetting my fingers on day three was all I needed to revive curls
  • It is all natural, no phates and pheres. Michelle uses all kinds of natural ingredients so it is safe for the environment (I mean like if you save bath water to water the grass and so on, the plants should be fine, you might get curly grass, hehehe, imagine)
  • It is a local product and I love supporting local
  • GUYS!!! Check out these curls! I was feeling myself as you can see.


The Bad

  • I’m sorry Michelle but I’m not a fan of the smell. It’s too strawberry toothpaste for me. My mom liked it but I was like… NEE MAN! For the full 10ish minutes it took to fade.


The Meh

  • I need this stuff in industrial size tubs, I have a lot of hair man
  • You can feel that there is product on your hair when you run your fingers through your hair which you can’t with some other products (don’t ask me why I’m running fingers through curly hair in any case, it’s for science)
  • I don’t think you could layer it like let’s say the flaxseed gel, without build-up. When I say layer I mean like you can’t do your hair Monday and then put more on Tuesday then again Wednesday. I haven’t actually tried it but it doesn’t feel like it wants to be layered


All in all BIG FAN of Curl Cure!!!

I can deal with smelling like a minty strawberry while I get dressed on day one to achieve this level of VAVA VOOM curls

This retails for R89 and you can get hold of it though their FACEBOOK PAGE



2 thoughts on “Gimme Naturals Curl Cure Review…the good, the bad, the meh

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