Time to embrace the “boskop” beauties


picture from twitter

Hair is a topic with varying view points but I thought I’d share mine…

Over the years I have had a ton of different hairstyles… seriously see HERE

I then gave up all the heat and stuff and opted for the natural route see HERE

The point of this post? Well I was thinking there is just not enough natural hair representatives like celeb Pearl Thusi out there.

The girls who don’t have long flowing hair worthy of a shampoo ad grow up thinking they have the short end of the stick.

Weaves, braids and relaxers are used to fix this curse we have been born with because “kroes, curly, bushy” hair is not on.

It occurs to me that this is just how we are brought up… It has been  drilled into most black and coloured women (and white) that there is no need to look “raggedy” with their own hair when there is all this Brazilian blow outs, relaxers and weaves out there.

I mean most of the black starlets are rocking weaves and wigs… you didn’t think that was Beyonce’s real hair did you?

I’m not saying there is anything wrong with trying different things or making things easier for yourself (actually thinking summer is here so I might braid for swimming)  I just think it’s time we teach our little girls (and boys) that there is nothing wrong with the hair sprouting out of their heads. If they opt to chemically or otherwise change their hair it needs to be a personal decision, one where they feel they want to for themselves and not because society dictates that what they were born with is not good enough.

I know it’s sort of soap boxy but it hurts me when  I see little girls taught that their natural beauty is not enough, that just because they don’t have ringlets blowing in the wind they are not as pretty as their friends.

The great thing is so much more people are embracing what they were born with so pretty soon being a bos kop will be seen as a good thing. SA celeb Pearl Thusi (seen above) is a great example of this)

 I grew up believing my hair was my worst quality (attribute) …turns out my worst quality was listening to the opinions of others 😉

 If you or your someone you know is in need of some natural hair inspiration check out these awesome local bloggers:
Lots of love from me to you 🙂
please follow me by subscribing on the side there or on instagram, facebook, twitter and pinterest:)

Eleanor J’adore

The Mandy Expedition


Silk Helmet Lady


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