Hair tips from curly girls

So last weekend I went to the first annual curls in the city event. A get together of like minded people (curly girls/naturals/bos kop people )  to chat, get tips and bond over our hair triumphs and struggles. I didn’t get pics (crazy right) so stole this one from fellow blogger Ruth.


I just know the second one will be even better and I’m booking my seat now already.

As we chatted I made some mental notes from the naturals to share with you all…Some you know, some you might not 🙂

TIPS from around the curly table
–  don’t comb/detangle your curly hair while dry (damage and pain come to mind)
–  co-wash (washing with conditioner) is preferred to shampoo
–  mixing bicarbonate of soda into your conditioner makes a great moisturising  “shampoo” for build up
–  a blast of cold water to your hair after washing will reduce frizz and up the shine (suffer for beauty people hehe)
– do not towel dry your curls! Micro fibre or simple t-shirt will do
– you don’t have to drown your curls in a product, a little (not straight haired people little, pea-sized hahahaha no) goes a long way to style without weighing down
– coconut oil works before,during and after wash
– sleep with your hair stacked on top of  your head (in a pineapple) to preserve curls
– have fun with your hair and don’t let others dictate how you are “supposed to look”

On a seperate but similiar note, there is such a kin-ship  in the natural hair community. Perhaps naturals are bound together by the constant need to say NO! I don’t want to relax, brazilian, thin out my hair. Drawn together by the eye-rolls we give when asked when we are likely to “fix” our hair.I never knew this existed , and I must say I am really glad I know this now.

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