How do you use this diffuser thing?

I decided it’s time we dust off those diffuser attachments that came with the hairdryer…

You guys know I love big hair and am passionate about people embracing their kinky coils…well I’ve decided to dedicate a segment of my blog to just that, NATURAL CURLS of all variations. There are some great recourses out there but I don’t think enough of them are local (Every time I watch a YouTube video I am stumped as to where to get the products) so I’m going to try to be a little bit of a resource by chatting to other curlies, doing product reviews and sharing tips from myself and people who actually know what they are talking about (hehehe).

I started this series “Curly Quest” I think I shall call it. With this product review and tutorial.

This week I have a bonafide award-winning stylist (Carmen Ruiters) chatting with us. Although she works at one of the top salons in the city and has won her fair share of hair competitions, today she is just a curly curl sharing some tips 🙂

Edit: Since this post went live, Carmen actually started her own business Blohaute Boutique Salon 


I used to have no idea what this was for HONESTLY NONE
But in the last couple of years, I started using it, here Carmen shares how she gets the best results from her Diffuser

How awesome are these curls!!!

(That’s from me Ella, not Carmen randomly praising herself, hehe, from here on out it’s her)


I shampooed my hair with Loreal mythic oil shampoo….I didn’t condition coz I don’t have conditioner in my shower. I normally put conditioner in afterward to curl my hair…..


Then put in some mousse…..not my usual styling product…but great for diffusing

Put your diffuser on medium speed. cool heat.
Keeping your head upside down to achieve volume


Move the diffused around in a circular motion.
Remember if the speed is too high…you will end up with frizz.
….and too hot you will burn your scalp

….. low and slow….

To finish off I used some serum and gloss spray

Results from a diffuser can be great, but you need to have a curl pattern to begin with
It’s a diffuser not a magic wand (hehehe)

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