I’ve decided to try out the Fry’s Veganuary challenge again and I’m looking for buddies to join me.
As many of you know I started pursuing a more plant-based lifestyle last year and for the most part, it stuck. I must admit I have fallen off the wagon a couple of times (talking to you, mom’s fried chicken, from time to time) but for the most part, I’ve managed to do really well, and I give a lot of credit to this year’s Veganuary challenge
I joined the Veganuary challenge in January because Frys challenged me and I do not back down to a challenge pretty easily…. The challenge highlighted the following:
- I love cheese soooooo much
- The shops around me aren’t vegan friendly
- I can cook if I have to
- Meat is kind of overrated
- If anything I’m pescatarian
I learnt a lot of other things as well like, what the different plant-based diets are where I could get protein how to cater parties for plant-based eater and even the basics of shopping.
So as a way to boost my plant based lifestyle I’m signing up again. It would be so cool if you guy’s could too and we can share our journey – no pressure.
This year Fry’s will be sharing loads of resources and I am super keen to find out more. The have created a facebook page where we can learn together and cut out meat products for 31 days.