Gimme Naturals Curl Cure Review…the good, the bad, the meh

This past week I tried out Gimme Naturals Curl Cure Food. I was nervous NOT GONNA LIE because I really like the creator of the product, Michelle from Stylish Steppers and wasn’t sure what I’d do if it sucked? I mean she’s the only stylist that has been able to deal with this bush IN YEARS, so if I didn’t like the product (and you guys know I’d be honest in the review regardless) I’d have to find a new stylist and a new friend (because I would legit just avoid her) and I’m too lazy for that…Reminds me of the time my friend Nadine wrote a book and I read it saying please don’t suck please don’t suck…it didn’t suck see here.

Anyway I used it for a wash and go on Monday (the curl cure not the book) and added nothing else for the week…these are my opinions…

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My current wash and go using the L’Oreal Curl Nourishment Range

Firstly I know you have seen the  L’Oreal Curl Nourishment Range sponsored posts everywhere, but this isn’t one. I was just curious about the products and wanted to try it out for myself so I did… with my own money because L’Oreal won’t love me, even though, in the words of Beyonce “I make me so d*amn easy to love”  anyways jokes aside ….

This is how I currently do my hair using the L’Oreal Curl Nourishment Range, specifically the Low Shampoo, Deep conditioner and leave in (each under R100 )

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Chase Rhys…curly countdown

I haven’t done a curly countdown in ages so I thought it might be fun to include a dude for a change. Our curly guy is Cape Town Writer and performing artist Chase Rhys.

The 28-year-old from Ocean View outside Cape Town is the winner of the inaugural Adam Rosalie Small Award for Debutant writers for his play, Kinnes.

He wrote his first play, Kinnes to honour the lives of the children who are victims of violence on the Cape Flats and to ask why the most vulnerable people in our communities are not adequately protected.

I love the concept of the play and the subject matter is something that has bothered me since I was old enough to understand the impact of what  I was reading in the news. It is so awesome to see young writers achieve, but then on the other side of this, I must say THAT HAIR THO…here is his curly countdown

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Curly Countdown with Sean

Today’s curly countdown comes from new kid on the block in the SA natural hair care community,  Sean.


From what I can tell from my extensive stalking she is funny and slightly weird #girlcrush. Sean from Sean goes natural is an engineering student from KZN and has AWESOME HAIR… Actually it’s very much like mine (if mine was on the head of someone who knew what they were doing).

Here are her answers to my curly countdown questions…

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Curly Countdown with Mandy Ex

So I’m back to doing hair posts , I started last week when I reviewed the Aunty Jackie Flaxseed range and I am really really excited to introduce today’s featured curly to you. A while back I did a post on Boskop beauties and mentioned South African natural hair blogger Mandy from the The Mandy Expedition  I have been hair crushing on her for a while and now and like the pro stalker I am, I got her to do a curly countdown for us…. Stalker level:PRO


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