How to restore your curls after straightening

Are you looking to restore your curls after a stint of going straight? I recently cried in the shower and then gave my stylist an emergency call, but I’m proud to say that both my sanity and my curls gave been restored.

restore your curls

Restore your curls, might not be the proper term, I’m referring to getting your hair back to that pre-heat pop. So not after relaxer, that’s a wait it out situation, I’m talking hair iron and the like.

So, where had my curls gone in the first place? Well I decided to go for a sleek look because my hair was working on my nerves, every now and again I get Mechelle from Stylish Steppers to try something different. This time around it was the Matrix Mega Sleek Treatment.It’s not a relaxer or a permanent straighter because I’m so over that ish, but it does leave your hair super sleek and my 10 hour blow out (that’s how long my hair usually stays sleek for) was stretched to a ten day blow out without having to resort to extra heat.

Then I wanted to bring my curls back because I had a photo shoot scheduled and because after ten days my hair needed a wash. So I get in the shower and uhmmm whose hair is this? My hair is crazy curly, so I’m used to it instantly coiling when I wet it, but now it just lay there on my head, wet fish like. Freaking me the heck out.

So I instantly messaged Michelle. These freak outs are why you should have a good relationship with your stylist. She set my mind at ease and reminded me that the mega sleek was not a chemical relaxer and that it could just be the product build up and use of heat that had my hair feeling foreign. After I pulled myself towards myself…I managed to get my curls popping again, here’s how…

5 tips to restore your curls after straightening

– use a clarifying shampoo

When you straighten your hair you/the stylist is likely to use serums and heat protection products  that can cause build up and prevent moisture from being absorbed into your hair… Great to fight the frizz while straight, not so great when you want to add the magic curly ingredient…water.

– do a mask

I am no professional, but I find that my hair lacks moisture after straightening sessions, so I do a deep treatment mask like the transition mask from Kimberly Grace professional range.

– do a little manipulation

Your hair might need a little help reminding itself of the curly state. So do something like a twist out of finger coils.

– don’t over do the heat in the first place

I keep my blow dries to a minimum… It’s usually only big events or length checks but even so that’s 5 times a year max.

– don’t over manipulate when straight

I gave a list of ways to make your blow out last longer recently. These tips keep you from reaching for the iron and risking heat damage.

These tips seem to work and my hair is as curly as ever,  I must admit that the first two washes after any straightening treatment, my curls are rather loose, but the afro is usually back by was three.

What do you do to restore your curls when they are a little mad at you for cheating on them with the sleek side?

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